Learning-Based Animation of Clothing for Virtual Try-On

Igor Santesteban, Miguel A. Otaduy, and Dan Casas
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics), 2019

New! Models and code available here.


This paper presents a learning-based clothing animation method for highly efficient virtual try-on simulation. Given a garment, we preprocess a rich database of physically-based dressed character imulations, for multiple body shapes and animations. Then, using this database, we train a learning-based model of cloth drape and wrinkles, as a function of body shape and dynamics. We propose a odel that separates global garment fit, due to body shape, from local garment wrinkles, due to both pose dynamics and body shape. We use a recurrent neural network to regress garment wrinkles, and we achieve highly plausible nonlinear effects, in contrast to the blending artifacts suffered by previous methods. At runtime, dynamic virtual try-on animations are produced in just a few milliseconds for garments with thousands of triangles. We show qualitative and quantitative analysis of results.


@article {santesteban2019virtualtryon,
    journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics)},
    title = {{Learning-Based Animation of Clothing for Virtual Try-On}},
    author = {Santesteban, Igor and Otaduy, Miguel A. and Casas, Dan},
    year = {2019},
    ISSN = {1467-8659},
    DOI = {10.1111/cgf.13643}

Description and Results


Igor Santesteban – igor.santesteban@urjc.es
Dan Casas – dan.casas@urjc.es